How To connect to VPN through Windows 10 VPN client ?

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Today will learn how to Create a VPN profile and to connect to VPN through Windows 10 VPN client.

Step by step to create VPN Profile in Windows 10

  • On your Windows 10 Computer, right-click the Start button and select Settings or in Search bar type in Settings.
  • In Settings Window, click Network & Internet then select VPN.
  • Click Add a VPN connection.
Create a VPN profile and to connect to VPN through Windows 10 VPN client.
Adding VPN in Windows 10
  • A Configuration screen Windows pops up. Under VPN provider, click the dropdown menu and select the option that says Windows (built-in).
  • In Connection name field, type out the name You would like to identify easily.
  • In Server name or address field, type the actual address of the server you’re connecting to. Your VPN service will Provide IP address or URL to enter.
  • In VPN Type, choose the protocol advised by your service provider. In the drop down list 5 protocols are given will be choosing one as per service provider shared information.
  • In the Type of sign-in info dropdown menu, choose the preferred method to login into VPN server. Select the username and password.
  • Click the Save button. You’ve now created your VPN profile.
  • You will be able view the created VPN Profile on right side of the VPN under
how to set up and connect to a VPN through the Windows 10 VPN client

Every VPN Service provider recommend to use their own client software’s like Cisco Anyconnect VPN client, Express VPN gateway, proton VPN, and so on, but this could be easy to use and also can encounter to different kinds of problems. If you are using free VPN service then windows in built tool easy to use. You have any other problem relating to VPN connections check our blog post as covered under many topics.

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