How to fix USB Pen drive Error?

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You will Learn to fix some common errors of USB Pen Drive

  • USB Pen drive error Windows was unable to complete the format.
  • unable to format USB pen drive from command prompt : fdisk
  • Third Party utilities unable to format pen drive.
  • What to do if pen drive is not formatting?
  • Fix Corrupted USB Pen drive.
  • How to repair unreadable USB Flash Drive

 One of my Transcend USB Pen Drive started to show up this error, when try to format : windows was unable to complete the format. To fix corrupted USB Pen drive Error was looking for a tool to fix.

fomat_USBDRIVE_ERROR - Windows was unable to complete the format
<strong>Windows was unable to complete the format</strong>

I tried  different methods to format,from command prompt, Windows, Disk manager and  third party utilities but could not succeed in formatting the USB Pen Drive. Finally I thought the drive must  be corrupted and dead, should throw Transcend USB Pen Drive away as of no use.

Since the Transcend USB Pen Drive was with me for more than 4 years,attachment could not be broken easily.I started to dig what could be the reason for Transcend USB Pen Drive to go faulty, as i was searching deeper,understood that USB Drive should be protected against

  1. When not using the flash drive and keeping in your bag or desk, be sure to cover it with a cap to prevent the accumulation of dusts and contaminants on the contacts.
  2. Do not expose your flash drive to to extreme temperatures, humidity or pressure will keep your drive functioning longer.
  3. Never remove the flash drive out of the USB port while it is still in operation. Properly “Eject” the drive (Do a right click on the USB drive and select “Eject”) before removing it from your computer.
  4. Do not leave it plugged to the computer for pro-longed period of time. If not in use unplug it from your system.

Step-by-step Method to recover corrupted Transcend USB Pen Drive

  • Download Chip Genius software Extract zip file and run the exe file
  • Plugin in your corrupted Transcend USB Pen Drive, you should see the complete details of the USB Manufacture, chip Vendor,serial number, part number and Make.
  • You write down the chip Vendor details as required for download the required tool
USB Pendrive-Partnumber
  • Open up this website  find the chip vendor, in my case it is  SMI Chip Vendor and chip Part number is  SM3255AB, Download the latest version software, extract the tool
SM3255AB-Chip Contoller
  • Remove the USB Drive, before launching the tool, plug in and tool should detect as shown in the image.
SM3255AB-USB Tool
  • On the Tool click on start, this will start to rebuild your pen drive.
  • Once tool completes the Repair, you can now format the drive and start storing your files and folder on the USB Pen drive.

If you find difficulty in understanding my steps, you can follow steps on this video.

USB flash drive firmware reset

If USB flash drive is not recognized by Windows 10 or Mac, drive letter not visible then firmware of usb flash drive is is corrupted, and could be easily recreated as shown in this blog post.

how to fix a usb flash drive that is not recognized windows 10

Connect your USB flash drive to different USB ports on computer and check that power driven properly for the device and able to detect the drive, this could one problem. Another fix is to update proper drivers from the manufacture site. If drive is working fine in another computer and not able to detect it could be hardware problem in your computer.

Is it possible flash drive usb repair

Yes it is possible to flash drive usb repair, the controller need to reset and upload with firmware. The above video has step by step to do flash drive usb repair.

If you have lost or deleted files or photos in USB drive, You can try this tool Recover Deleted files from USB

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