Below listed are Windows 10 Problems Errors and Fixes, which we have come across and applied fixes to resolve the errors. These errors you may come across and below fixes helps you resolve quickly. The solutions are provided by Windows Experts.
This Application was unable to start correctly(0xc00007b)β error.
One of the common errors now with Windows10 is “βThis Application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)β error”. This is due to user account which is causing an application to load while computer turned ON.
- Log-in as Administrator into your computer
- In Type here to Search bar type msconfig and select System Configuration.
- In the System Configuration window click on the Services tab, select Hide all Microsoft services and then click on Disable all.
- Click on the Startup tab of System Configuration and click on Open Task Manager.
- In the Task Manager, go to the Startup tab and select each service and Right click,select Disable
- Exit from Task Manager and from System Configuration window.
- Restart your computer.
Now your computer should boot in clean mode and then start launching the applications one by one.
If you still find the problem, next is update the Windows patches and check if error is fixed.
How to fix .NET Framework 3.5 installation errors in Windows 10?
Open command prompt in administrator mode, run this command
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAcces
Change drive letter D to your required letter where you have Windows10 installation files.
This command works for all errors of .NET Framework
1 .Net Framework 3.5 0x800f081f Installation Error
2. 0x800F0906 and 0x800F081F Error
3 .Net framework 3.5 installation error 0x800f0906, 0x800f081f, 0x800f0907
Windows 10 Computer freezes after Booting
The event log shows this error, after which the computer freezes:
Application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation for a COM server application with a CLSID
user DESKTOP-ittechsolutionvenky
To Fix this problem open command prompt in Administrator mode:
DCOMperm -al {8BC3F05E-D86B-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820} set "computer name\user name" permit level:la
How to disable driver updates from windows 10 update?
Microsoft Windows 10 updates includes drivers,security patches,critical patches and patches to fix the vulnerability.
Installation of drivers for hardware during the updates can cause problem like video cards not displaying properly or WIFI issues or Ethernet issues. so it is always good to avoid driver installation during windows patch update. Apply Only security patches and vulnerable patches.
How to avoid driver installation during windows patch update?
Method 1: Disable Driver installation from Windows Registry
- press Windows-key on keyboard, type regedit and Enter
- Navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionDriverSearching
- on the Right side Window SearchOrderConfig
- set it to 0, to block driver updates.
- set it to 1, set download driver updates automatically.
- set it to 2, driver software is installed.
- Exit the registry
- Restart the computer
Method 2: Disable Driver updates by Group Policy Editor
- press Windows-key on keyboard, type gpedit.msc, then hit enter.
- Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.
- select “Do not include drivers with Windows Updates” and double-click on it.
- Set the preference to Enabled
- click OK.
How to fix Cisco AnyConnect Errors?
New version of Cisco AnyConnect does not work well with Windows 10 and has different kind of errors
- Takes long time for AnyConnect client to complete VPN Login
- Cisco AnyConnect takes long time to initiate connection and Authentication failed
- Cannot Connect to the VPN Service
- VPN Client Driver Encounters Errors after a Microsoft Windows Update
Step-by-Step method to fix the above mention errors on this blog post click here
Google chrome AW Snap error
A computer upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 OS, google chrome browser stops working and showing up error AW Snap error.
To Fix AW Snap error, you need to rename chrome.exe to chrome_old.exe
How to rename the chrome.exe file ?
In search box type in Chrome, right click on the icon, then properties then open file location, rename the chrome.exe to chromeold.exe and then right click on chrome_old.exe and send to Desktop (shortcut).
How to restart Windows Explorer?
Windows Application related problems get fix by restarting Windows Explorer. Here is How we do it
- Right click on the task bard and launch Task Manager.
- Ctrl + Shift + Esc shortcut to open Task Manager
- Click on Process tab
- Select the Windows Explorer and right-click on it, then choose Restart
Windows 10 update causing excessive SSD Defragging.
SSD drive can be optimized for better performance by defragging disk.Recent Windows 10 update causing a excessive SSD defragging as it won’t remember the last defragging date and every time computer reboot it keeps doing the disk defragging and affect SSD drive longevity. Microsoft has released fix, an update need to apply. Apply this patch
2020-08 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 10 Version 2004 (KB4571744)
If your Windows 10 Computer not enabled with De-fragment and Optimize drive, enable with these steps
- In Search bar type Defragment and Optimize Drives.
- Select the disk drive you want to optimize.
- Select the Optimize.
- Click on change settings.
- Choose on Run Schedule and select Monthly.
What does potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) in Windows 10?
Microsoft has developed and added a new alert notification in Windows10, when an app registers itself to automatically launch after a user login into the system at startup.
Earlier user was not able to know which apps are running in the background. To know which apps are running check Settings > Apps > Startup apps page.
The new feature potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) will easily detect
potentially malicious apps, that are run ins startup, which are not observed by user, creating greater impact on system performance.
To Blocks apps setting enables Microsoft Defender that automatically detects Potentially unwanted app blocking.
How to Fix fatal system error c000021A in Windows 10 ?
System Error occurs when last update to any software or Windows update, to fix this problem need to uninstall the updated patch or software. open control panel or by command appwiz.cpl check the program last got updated and remove it. if still problem not solved, you can do a system restore. To restore go to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsRecovery, > choose System restore and choose restore point. This should fix your computer and bring back to normal working condition.
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